
“The treasure trove of experience, which has been accumulated over four generations, a strong team, economic stability and expertise in the field of meat and livestock trade are our strengths.”

The Zsifkovics GmbH & Co KG is a traditional business, which has been run for generations and which is specialised in the production of beef nowadays.

The success of Zsifkovics GmbH & Co KG is based on a history of many generations work. The company was founded as a family business in 1867 and originally focused exclusively on livestock trade. In 1976 the company expanded and the slaughterhouse in Fürstenfeld was established as a new field of business activity, which gained in importance quickly. In 2009 Johann Zsifkovics took over the business and became general manager. The legal form of the company was changed from an unincorporated enterprise to a GmbH & Co KG in the following year. Thereby the course for the future was set while at the same time maintaining the traditional values of the 150 years standing company.

Today our main business activities are slaughtering and the trade of beef. We supply national and international distributors. An additional business branch is livestock trade.

The company’s structure is optimised for the complex demands of the industry. The well thought-out and well proven business concept does not only focus on the location Fürstenfeld, but also includes the partner companies abroad in the field of livestock trade and transportation. That’s how an unbureaucratic and efficient interplay of all segments of the production process is made possible.